“Remember: you are what you decide you will be; you do what you decide you will do; you have what you decide you will have. Take a look at your life. All you are, all you do, and all you presently have result from the decisions you’ve made -- or not made -- in the past. To become confident, persistent, creative, successful, happy, and wealthy, you must first decide to be. The quality of your life today represents the quality of all your past decisions. Ask yourself this question: Am I happy with the present results in my life -- in my finances, health, career, relationships, social life, peace of mind, and recreation? Consciously or unconsciously, you’ve made the choices, or decisions that brought you to this place. Notice the gap between how you’re living now and how you would like to live. Decide to bridge that gap. The key to success is habitually making decisions that move you in that direction.”
- From The Winner’s Mindset by Peter Nicado