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About Design Your Ideal Life
Do you know what you really want your life to be like in the future? With enough detail and clarity so that it gives you focus and direction on exactly what you should be doing and not doing every day? For most people, the answer is no.
Do you know your most important Values? The things that really matter to you, that you would never compromise on? Specifically enough so that you could tell someone the 5-7 most important Values in your life?
This free 7 day course can be truly life-changing. You CAN live your ideal life – but first you have to decide what you really want that life to be like. Most people spend more time planning their weekend than planning their life, and they end up stuck as days turn into months, then years, then decades. When you complete this 7 day course, you will have created a powerful Vision of your ideal future life, and you’ll have uncovered your Values, the things that are truly most important to you.
The free Design Your Ideal Life course includes 12 thought-provoking exercises and guides you through the process of identifying and writing a clear, motivating, and inspiring Vision of your ideal future life, as well as your core Values. The combination of your Vision and Values should then guide your behavior, goals, and actions and lead to you living your ideal life. To keep you on track, we’ll prompt you with daily emails including a link to complete the next lesson.
What you can expect:
Day 1: Introduction to Vision and Values
Day 2: Determining Your Vision
Day 3: Writing Your Vision Part 1
Day 4: Writing Your Vision Part 2
Day 5: Introduction to Values
Day 6: Identifying Your Values
Day 7: Finish Your Values
“Your values and vision drive every decision.”