Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“The people with the best self-control are typically the ones who need to use it the least. It’s easier to practice self-restraint when you don’t have to use it very often.”

- From Atomic Habits by James Clear

“The people with the best self-control are typically the ones who need to use it the least. It’s easier to practice self-restraint when you don’t have to use it very often.”

- From Atomic Habits by James Clear

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Mental toughness is staying in inspired action despite the circumstances surrounding you.”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

“Mental toughness is staying in inspired action despite the circumstances surrounding you.”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“If you only act when you feel like it, you will never get what you want. You must learn how to separate what you feel from the actions that you take.”

- From The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

“If you only act when you feel like it, you will never get what you want. You must learn how to separate what you feel from the actions that you take.”

- From The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Exercise and health comes down to one simple rule - you don’t have to feel like it. You just have to do it.”

- From The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

“Exercise and health comes down to one simple rule - you don’t have to feel like it. You just have to do it.”

- From The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Control what goes into your mind, your body and your wallet. If you can control your thinking, your health and your income, you're on the path to abundance.”

- From Harris Rules by Tim and Julie Harris

“Control what goes into your mind, your body and your wallet. If you can control your thinking, your health and your income, you're on the path to abundance.”

- From Harris Rules by Tim and Julie Harris

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair.”

- From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

“Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair.”

- From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“We all must suffer one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. What we suggest to everybody is to consider the disciplines because disciplines weigh ounces; regrets weigh tons.”

- From The Jim Rohn Guides Complete Set

“We all must suffer one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. What we suggest to everybody is to consider the disciplines because disciplines weigh ounces; regrets weigh tons.”

- From The Jim Rohn Guides Complete Set

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.”

- From Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.”

- From Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Listen, your Perfect Week doesn’t begin Monday morning when your alarm goes off. It doesn’t even begin on Sunday night when you’re planning for the following day. It begins about 60-minutes after you wake up on Sunday morning. By blocking off the first 30-60 minutes of every Sunday and planning your week, either by yourself or with your spouse, you begin your week from a place of power and clarity. Your discipline, intention, and willpower are as high as they’re going to be all week and you are using this to your advantage by carefully crafting exactly how you want your week to unfold. By doing this in the morning, you’ll no longer stress about having to prepare for your week on Sunday evening after the kids have been put to bed and you’re exhausted from a busy weekend. You won’t forget to do it or decide that there are other more important priorities (like the GOT finale). When you implement a beautiful planning session, you’ll wake up every Monday morning knowing exactly what to do to dominate your days--and have a perfect week.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Listen, your Perfect Week doesn’t begin Monday morning when your alarm goes off. It doesn’t even begin on Sunday night when you’re planning for the following day. It begins about 60-minutes after you wake up on Sunday morning. By blocking off the first 30-60 minutes of every Sunday and planning your week, either by yourself or with your spouse, you begin your week from a place of power and clarity. Your discipline, intention, and willpower are as high as they’re going to be all week and you are using this to your advantage by carefully crafting exactly how you want your week to unfold. By doing this in the morning, you’ll no longer stress about having to prepare for your week on Sunday evening after the kids have been put to bed and you’re exhausted from a busy weekend. You won’t forget to do it or decide that there are other more important priorities (like the GOT finale). When you implement a beautiful planning session, you’ll wake up every Monday morning knowing exactly what to do to dominate your days--and have a perfect week.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“If the first plan which you adopt does not work successfully, replace it with a new plan; if this new plan fails to work, replace it in turn with still another, and so on, until you find a plan which does work. Right here is the point at which the majority of men meet with failure, because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.”

- From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

“If the first plan which you adopt does not work successfully, replace it with a new plan; if this new plan fails to work, replace it in turn with still another, and so on, until you find a plan which does work. Right here is the point at which the majority of men meet with failure, because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.”

- From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“The good thing about principles is that they make life easy. I have heard it said that when someone bases his life on principle, 99 percent of his decisions are already made.”

- From The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

“The good thing about principles is that they make life easy. I have heard it said that when someone bases his life on principle, 99 percent of his decisions are already made.”

- From The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Ask yourself: is what I’m doing today getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?”

- Zig Ziglar

“Ask yourself: is what I’m doing today getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?”

- Zig Ziglar

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Compare what you say you want against what you actually do. Do they match? If not, it’s time to change and figure out what really matters. Once you do, line up your priority with the actions you need to achieve it, and then embrace the pain, pay the price, and earn the prize.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Compare what you say you want against what you actually do. Do they match? If not, it’s time to change and figure out what really matters. Once you do, line up your priority with the actions you need to achieve it, and then embrace the pain, pay the price, and earn the prize.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“We all say that we want to succeed, but sooner or later our level of activity must equal our level of intent. Talking about achievement is one thing; making it happen is something altogether different. Some people seem to take more joy in talking about success than they do in achieving it. It is as though their ritualistic chant about someday lulls them into a false sense of security, and all the things that they should be doing and could be doing on any given day never seem to get done. The consequences of this self-delusion have their own inevitable price. Sooner or later the day will arrive when they will look back with regret at all those things they could have done, and meant to do, but left undone. That is why we must push ourselves in the present to experience the milder pain of discipline. We will all experience one pain or the other—the pain of discipline or the pain of regret—but the difference is that the pain of discipline weighs only ounces while the pain of regret weighs tons.”

- Jim Rohn

“We all say that we want to succeed, but sooner or later our level of activity must equal our level of intent. Talking about achievement is one thing; making it happen is something altogether different. Some people seem to take more joy in talking about success than they do in achieving it. It is as though their ritualistic chant about someday lulls them into a false sense of security, and all the things that they should be doing and could be doing on any given day never seem to get done. The consequences of this self-delusion have their own inevitable price. Sooner or later the day will arrive when they will look back with regret at all those things they could have done, and meant to do, but left undone. That is why we must push ourselves in the present to experience the milder pain of discipline. We will all experience one pain or the other—the pain of discipline or the pain of regret—but the difference is that the pain of discipline weighs only ounces while the pain of regret weighs tons.”

- Jim Rohn

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Set into motion the actions necessary to achieve the things you currently claim are important, yet keep being put off.”

- From Harris Rules by Tim and Julie Harris

“Set into motion the actions necessary to achieve the things you currently claim are important, yet keep being put off.”

- From Harris Rules by Tim and Julie Harris

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Your core values are your internal compass, your guiding beacon, your personal GPS. They act as the filter through which you run all of life’s demands, requests, and temptations, making sure they are leading you toward your intended destination. Getting your core values defined and properly calibrated is one of the most important steps in redirecting your life toward your grandest vision. If you haven’t already clearly defined your values, you may find yourself making choices that conflict with what you want. Defining your core values also helps make life simpler and more efficient. Decision-making is also easier when you are certain of your core values. When faced with a choice, ask yourself, ‘Does this align with my core values?’ If it does, do it. If not, don’t, and don’t look back. All fretting and indecisions are eliminated.”

- From The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

“Your core values are your internal compass, your guiding beacon, your personal GPS. They act as the filter through which you run all of life’s demands, requests, and temptations, making sure they are leading you toward your intended destination. Getting your core values defined and properly calibrated is one of the most important steps in redirecting your life toward your grandest vision. If you haven’t already clearly defined your values, you may find yourself making choices that conflict with what you want. Defining your core values also helps make life simpler and more efficient. Decision-making is also easier when you are certain of your core values. When faced with a choice, ask yourself, ‘Does this align with my core values?’ If it does, do it. If not, don’t, and don’t look back. All fretting and indecisions are eliminated.”

- From The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Discipline is the foundation on which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. Discipline is the master key. It unlocks the door to wealth and happiness, culture and sophistication, high self-esteem and high accomplishment, and the accompanying feelings of pride, satisfaction, and success. Even the smallest discipline can have an incredible effect on your attitude.”

- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn

“Discipline is the foundation on which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. Discipline is the master key. It unlocks the door to wealth and happiness, culture and sophistication, high self-esteem and high accomplishment, and the accompanying feelings of pride, satisfaction, and success. Even the smallest discipline can have an incredible effect on your attitude.”

- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“The life we end up with is simply an accumulation of all the choices we make. Choices are at the root of every one of your results. Each choice starts a behavior that over time becomes a habit. In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you.”

- Darren Hardy

“The life we end up with is simply an accumulation of all the choices we make. Choices are at the root of every one of your results. Each choice starts a behavior that over time becomes a habit. In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you.”

- Darren Hardy

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Your decisions shape your destiny. The future is what you make of it. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default. In fact, it’s the littlest decisions that shape our lives. From what you eat and where to work, to the people you spend your time with, to how you spend your afternoon, every choice shapes how you live today, but more important, how you live the rest of your life.”

- Tony Robbins

“Your decisions shape your destiny. The future is what you make of it. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default. In fact, it’s the littlest decisions that shape our lives. From what you eat and where to work, to the people you spend your time with, to how you spend your afternoon, every choice shapes how you live today, but more important, how you live the rest of your life.”

- Tony Robbins

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