Mindset and Attitude
Introduction to Mindset and Attitude
To be happy and successful, ultimately only two things actually matter: your mindset and your actions. Mindset is your attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, and how you view yourself and the world. Your mindset affects everything you do, feel, think, and experience.
Your mindset determines the way you perceive the world, yourself, and other people; how you set goals, react to challenges and live your life; and ultimately it determines your level of happiness and success. Your mindset truly wields a tremendous influence over the course of your life.
Your mindset comes from your experiences; what you read, see and listen to; and from the people you spend time with. In short, it comes from everything that you put into your mind, intentionally or unintentionally. It also comes from your “self-talk”, the voice inside your head.
In general, mindset can be divided into these two categories: what you believe about yourself, consisting of your Self-Identity and also including your Limiting Beliefs, and what you believe about and how you view the world.
Your happiness is intrinsically tied to your mindset. When you focus on a positive interpretation of everything, you create a more positive reality and become happier and more successful.
“Attaining lasting happiness requires that we enjoy the journey on our way towards a destination we deem valuable. Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the mountain nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing toward the peak.”
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