Happy + Successful = Happiful
What is Happiful?
Our mission is to help people become Happy and Successful, so we combined Happy and Successful to create the word Happiful. Our flagship course covers Vision and Values, Goal-Setting and Planning, Productivity, Mindset, and Life Improvement.
Heard of similar courses? There’s an endless amount of personal development content available in books, podcasts, videos, and blogs. So you don’t need more concepts, theories, advice, or “life hacks”.
How is Happiful different?
Instead of overwhelming you with information, Happiful gives you a foolproof system that ensures you actually take the most important, impactful actions every day and every week. That’s how you create permanent improvements in your life.
Happiful gives you specific tested and proven actions to make you Happy and Successful, combined into a complete “operating system” with forms and checklists that makes it simple to implement these actions into your life. Happiful makes happiness and success automatic and inevitable.
Is Happiful for me?
Do you want to:
Get done more of what matters, in less time with less stress?
Wake up each day feeling good, motivated, and happy?
Have a sense of purpose throughout your day?
Have clarity about your goals and values so you know what actually matters to you?
Improve your health and fitness, and sleep better?
Be more relaxed yet energized?
Have the certainty that you are making steady progress towards a better life?
Yes, Happiful will do all of this for you.
You have to want to improve your life and be open to change, but if you’re reading this, you must be interested in life improvement. If you have to achieve your own success and have some ability to control some of your time and activities, you will especially benefit from Happiful. So if you are an entrepreneur, remote worker, freelancer, or business leader, Happiful is definitely for you. Students and people in life transitions have also found Happiful very beneficial. But the truth is, Happiful will benefit anyone who wants to become happier and more successful.
Don’t just take our word for it.
“This is the best and most complete productivity and wellbeing course I have ever been a part of. I have been a fan of Paul’s methods since before the Be Happiful program and I can truly vouch for its effectiveness. With Paul’s help, I managed to get a hold of my life (and my time) and I lost 36-37kg in less than a year. Weight was a big obstacle for me and I have been struggling with it for over four years. Now, I have a better, more positive outlook on life, my mood is consistently good, I get more and more done with my time every day just because I now know that I CAN and because Paul showed me how and I am on track to revive my business. I can’t express how highly I recommend Be Happiful.” -Anton Markov
Our Programs
The Be Happiful course is our flagship program, comprising the full Happiful system. It includes 70+ lessons and 20+ thought-provoking exercises. You get lifetime access for one $179 membership fee.
Design Your Ideal Life is our free, 7 day course that helps you discover your Vision of your ideal future life and identify the Values that guide you to be your best self.
Inspire! by Happiful is a separate but related free program delivering a short email with an inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking quote every morning.
This course will solve your email problem forever. Once taught some simple techniques, you’ll get immediate relief, spend a fraction of the time managing your email as before, yet be completely on top of things with an empty inbox. The result: less stress, greater productivity, and fewer dropped balls – it is truly life-changing.
This 40 minute course for Real Estate Agents will provide you with an operating system for your life to make you more happy and successful. We’ll equip you with the specific action steps to take each week and each day, along with the forms and templates that will make daily implementation seamless and automatic. Ready to spend less time working, be less stressed, yet have more success?
About us
Paul Mayer Founder
I’m a lifelong entrepreneur. My first “real” business, with investors and employees, was a very successful restaurant and bar started with my then-girlfriend and now wife when I was 21, just a few months after graduating from college. Before we sold the restaurant, we started a music retail business, which grew to 10 stores and 300 employees and was named Retailer of the Year by the national music retail trade association, NARM. When I sold that business to Borders Books in 1994, I had to stay on for 18 months and then retired at age 35. Retirement only lasted 3 years before I got the itch and started another business, this time a boutique venture fund. In 2002, I moved to Kailua, Hawaii, one of the most beautiful and desirable places in the world (and one of my life goals), and took another 3 year vacation. (Most of the photos we use in Happiful are those we’ve taken in Kailua.) In 2005, I started a real estate brokerage business, which grew to be the 3rd largest in the state and branched out into property management, including the highest volume independent vacation rental management company in the state. Since then I’ve also co-founded businesses in consulting, talent acquisition, and software. Most of these businesses have done well for me and my investors, including some nice exits. I’ve been happily married for 40 years, am good friends with my 3 adult children, and at 62 I truly love my life. I feel great, I’m in excellent physical shape, and enjoy tennis, skiing, water sports, hiking, running, working out, and traveling. I have now achieved most of my vision of my ideal life, including being able to work when I want, where I want, doing what I want, and having sufficient passive income to fund my lifestyle. I take lots of vacations (over 100 days a year), and thoroughly enjoy myself living in Hawaii when I’m not on vacation. The purpose of Happiful is to help you achieve similar results and live your ideal life, whatever that may be.
The backstory of Happiful: I’ve always been committed to learning and continuous improvement, so along the way, I’ve read hundreds of personal and professional development books, attended seminars, taken courses, purchased different systems, and then tested everything I learned. I kept what worked, rejected what didn’t, and kept learning and upgrading my strategies, over time integrating everything into one cohesive system.
I started teaching my employees organization and time management skills over 35 years ago, and gradually expanded the material I taught to include much of my entire system to help make these employees Happy and Successful. For the past several years, this training was the most rewarding part of my business to me, yet it was limited to a single 2-hour training session once a month. So now, after selling the brokerage business, I have time to follow my passion and act upon requests from many people to expand my training and share it with the general public. Happiful is the culmination of all I’ve learned and implemented and is the exact system I use every single day. I know the Happiful system is largely responsible for my happiness and success in life and I’m grateful to be able to share it with you.
Liana Mayer Co-Founder
I studied psychology and neuroscience, am passionate about the science of happiness, and have always been curious why people do the things they do. And I’ve been seeking a career that allows me to help others, spread joy, and make a difference. Since most if not all of the Happiful system is based on psychological or neurological findings and our mission is to help people become Happy and Successful, Happiful’s combination of fascinating science and helping people is a perfect fit for me.
I spent years ignoring Paul’s pushes to incorporate his system into my life because, well, he’s my Dad. Now that I finally have, I can truly say I feel and see changes - in my mindset and attitude, motivation, focus, happiness, and more. Implementing just a fraction of the Happiful system immediately made me more Happiful. If you’re feeling skeptical, I encourage you to set aside your hesitations and give it a go. You won’t regret it.