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Alignment • Being Present • Commitment • Consistency • Continuous Improvement • Eliminate Distractions • Evening Routine • Exercise • Fitness • Focus • Goal Achievement • Goals • Gratitude • Habits • Happiness • Inspiration • Integrity • Manifesting • Meditation • Mindfulness • Mindset • Mission • Morning Routine • No Multitasking • Nutrition • Optimism • Overcoming Fear • Perfectionism • Personal Growth • Personal Responsibility • Planning • Positive Attitude • Prioritization • Productivity • Purpose • Self Discipline • Systems, Routines & Structure • Taking Action • Time-Blocking • Time Management • Values • Vision • Visualization • Willpower
Authors: Brian Tracy • Craig Ballantyne • Darren Hardy • Hal Elrod • James Clear • Jim Rohn
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“Growth comes when you get comfortable being uncomfortable.”
- From Mindset, Model, and Marketing by Tom Ferry
“Growth comes when you get comfortable being uncomfortable.”
- From Mindset, Model, and Marketing by Tom Ferry
“The influence of those around us is so powerful, so subtle, so gradual that often we don’t even realize how it can affect us. Ask yourself this one final question: ‘Are my present associations helping me grow in the direction I have chosen through goal-setting?’ It’s easy to remain mediocre. All you need to do is spend major time on minor things with minor people.”
- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn
“The influence of those around us is so powerful, so subtle, so gradual that often we don’t even realize how it can affect us. Ask yourself this one final question: ‘Are my present associations helping me grow in the direction I have chosen through goal-setting?’ It’s easy to remain mediocre. All you need to do is spend major time on minor things with minor people.”
- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn
“Remember: you are what you decide you will be; you do what you decide you will do; you have what you decide you will have. Take a look at your life. All you are, all you do, and all you presently have result from the decisions you’ve made -- or not made -- in the past. To become confident, persistent, creative, successful, happy, and wealthy, you must first decide to be. The quality of your life today represents the quality of all your past decisions. Ask yourself this question: Am I happy with the present results in my life -- in my finances, health, career, relationships, social life, peace of mind, and recreation? Consciously or unconsciously, you’ve made the choices, or decisions that brought you to this place. Notice the gap between how you’re living now and how you would like to live. Decide to bridge that gap. The key to success is habitually making decisions that move you in that direction.”
- From The Winner’s Mindset by Peter Nicado
“Remember: you are what you decide you will be; you do what you decide you will do; you have what you decide you will have. Take a look at your life. All you are, all you do, and all you presently have result from the decisions you’ve made -- or not made -- in the past. To become confident, persistent, creative, successful, happy, and wealthy, you must first decide to be. The quality of your life today represents the quality of all your past decisions. Ask yourself this question: Am I happy with the present results in my life -- in my finances, health, career, relationships, social life, peace of mind, and recreation? Consciously or unconsciously, you’ve made the choices, or decisions that brought you to this place. Notice the gap between how you’re living now and how you would like to live. Decide to bridge that gap. The key to success is habitually making decisions that move you in that direction.”
- From The Winner’s Mindset by Peter Nicado
“Don’t downgrade your dream to fit your present reality. Upgrade your attitude, discipline and skills to match your destiny. We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our skills and training.”
- Jim Kwik
“Don’t downgrade your dream to fit your present reality. Upgrade your attitude, discipline and skills to match your destiny. We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our skills and training.”
- Jim Kwik
“Your life gets better only after you get better. Your outer world improves only after you’ve invested countless hours improving yourself. Being who you need to be and doing what you need to do are prerequisites for having what you want to have. Get clear on who you need to be, are committed to being, in order to take your life, business, health, marriage, etc. to the next level and beyond. Which actions will you need to take, on a consistent basis - commit to - to make your vision for your ideal life a reality?”
- From The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod
“Your life gets better only after you get better. Your outer world improves only after you’ve invested countless hours improving yourself. Being who you need to be and doing what you need to do are prerequisites for having what you want to have. Get clear on who you need to be, are committed to being, in order to take your life, business, health, marriage, etc. to the next level and beyond. Which actions will you need to take, on a consistent basis - commit to - to make your vision for your ideal life a reality?”
- From The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
- Jim Rohn
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
- Jim Rohn
“The books you read, the actions you take, the disciplines you engage in on a daily basis, those are the activities that are taking you somewhere, and all of us need to take a look at where our daily activities are taking us.”
“The books you read, the actions you take, the disciplines you engage in on a daily basis, those are the activities that are taking you somewhere, and all of us need to take a look at where our daily activities are taking us.”
“Most people are trying to get through the day. I’ve got a better objective for you. Learn to get from the day. Not just get through it, get from it. Soak it up. Each day is a piece of the mosaic of your life. Don’t waste any! Treat it with care. See how much you can get from a day — how much advice, how much information, how much color, how much sight and sound to add to your worth and your wealth and your equity of mind.
“Most people are trying to get through the day. I’ve got a better objective for you. Learn to get from the day. Not just get through it, get from it. Soak it up. Each day is a piece of the mosaic of your life. Don’t waste any! Treat it with care. See how much you can get from a day — how much advice, how much information, how much color, how much sight and sound to add to your worth and your wealth and your equity of mind.”
“If you want to be wealthy and happy, learn this lesson well: Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. What you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not “What am I getting ?” Instead, you should ask, “What am I becoming?” What you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today, you have attracted by becoming the person you are today. Income rarely exceeds personal development. To have more than you’ve got, become more than you are. Life is all about creating skills and value and taking those skills and value to the marketplace and seeing what it will return for you.”
“If you want to be wealthy and happy, learn this lesson well: Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. What you become is far more important than what you get. The important question to ask on the job is not “What am I getting ?” Instead, you should ask, “What am I becoming?” What you become directly influences what you get. Think of it this way: Most of what you have today, you have attracted by becoming the person you are today. Income rarely exceeds personal development. To have more than you’ve got, become more than you are. Life is all about creating skills and value and taking those skills and value to the marketplace and seeing what it will return for you.”
“We can ALL become a “genius” and reach mastery in any area of our life, if we commit to a process of deliberate and purposeful improvement. Deliberate improvement requires a mindset of never, ever, being satisfied with your current ability. It requires a constant self-critique, a capacity for daily disappointment and failure and a never-ending resolve to dust oneself off and to try again and again and again.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“We can ALL become a “genius” and reach mastery in any area of our life, if we commit to a process of deliberate and purposeful improvement. Deliberate improvement requires a mindset of never, ever, being satisfied with your current ability. It requires a constant self-critique, a capacity for daily disappointment and failure and a never-ending resolve to dust oneself off and to try again and again and again.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“3 Keys to Living Your Perfect Life: To live your perfect life and achieve the income, impact, and lifestyle you desire you must follow only three keys. And they go like this:
1) Build Massive Self Discipline. Without the DISCIPLINE to wake up every single day and do what must be done, you will never create the life you want. You must identify those important habits and behaviors required to bring you to the next level and achieve your goals...and then DO those things. Create the structure and rituals you need to make success automatic and achieve the goals you’ve set.
2) ELIMINATE Self-Sabotage. No matter how hard working or disciplined you are, you can’t achieve the income or the life you deserve without first ELIMINATING those self-sabotaging patterns and behaviors that are holding you back. You can do EVERYTHING right. But if you undermine your progress with procrastination, apathy, distraction, or addiction, you’ll never reach the potential of which you’re capable. Eliminate self-sabotage and it’ll be like putting nitrous in your success engine. You’ll move so much faster and achieve those big goals and dreams that much sooner.
3) Commit to Becoming 1% Better Everyday. Every day, try to be just 1% better than you were the day before. Commit to what Tony Robbins calls “Constant and Never Ending Improvement”. Success rarely happens in huge leaps. It happens one day, one hour, and one percent at a time. So commit to improving yourself just 1% a day. Commit to becoming 1% kinder, more knowledgeable, more skilled, more disciplined, more persistent, and more caring.
If you will do this over a long enough timeline...You WILL achieve your perfect life.”
- Craig Ballantyne, Instagram
“3 Keys to Living Your Perfect Life: To live your perfect life and achieve the income, impact, and lifestyle you desire you must follow only three keys. And they go like this:
Build Massive Self Discipline. Without the DISCIPLINE to wake up every single day and do what must be done, you will never create the life you want. You must identify those important habits and behaviors required to bring you to the next level and achieve your goals...and then DO those things. Create the structure and rituals you need to make success automatic and achieve the goals you’ve set.
ELIMINATE Self-Sabotage. No matter how hard working or disciplined you are, you can’t achieve the income or the life you deserve without first ELIMINATING those self-sabotaging patterns and behaviors that are holding you back. You can do EVERYTHING right. But if you undermine your progress with procrastination, apathy, distraction, or addiction, you’ll never reach the potential of which you’re capable. Eliminate self-sabotage and it’ll be like putting nitrous in your success engine. You’ll move so much faster and achieve those big goals and dreams that much sooner.
Commit to Becoming 1% Better Everyday. Every day, try to be just 1% better than you were the day before. Commit to what Tony Robbins calls “Constant and Never Ending Improvement”. Success rarely happens in huge leaps. It happens one day, one hour, and one percent at a time. So commit to improving yourself just 1% a day. Commit to becoming 1% kinder, more knowledgeable, more skilled, more disciplined, more persistent, and more caring.
If you will do this over a long enough timeline...You WILL achieve your perfect life.”
- Craig Ballantyne, Instagram
“A constant awareness and never-ending commitment to growth and continual improvement is what will catapult you forward, enabling you to achieve what before seemed impossible goals. To achieve what you have never been able to achieve before you have to grow and improve yourself to levels beyond where you are now. Your commitment to ongoing improvement is what will get you there.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“A constant awareness and never-ending commitment to growth and continual improvement is what will catapult you forward, enabling you to achieve what before seemed impossible goals. To achieve what you have never been able to achieve before you have to grow and improve yourself to levels beyond where you are now. Your commitment to ongoing improvement is what will get you there.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“The “magic” is becoming the person you should be in order to attract the people or results you want to achieve.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“The “magic” is becoming the person you should be in order to attract the people or results you want to achieve.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“To achieve something you have never achieved before you must become someone you have never been.”
- Les Brown
“To achieve something you have never achieved before you must become someone you have never been.”
- Les Brown
“No matter what it is you want to change -- your marriage, your financial situation, your weight -- you’ll never achieve lasting change until YOU change. Once YOU improve, everything else around you will improve. It’s important to understand that you don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are. You will only achieve the level of success in your life that equals your level of self-worth. When it comes to achieving your goals, remember that it is not your goals that need to be worked on; it is YOU. You can only have, be or do what you feel you are worthy of. The key is to raise your set point, or self worth, self-esteem, mindset, attitude, philosophy, and character. When those get raised, everything in your life will be raised with them.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“No matter what it is you want to change -- your marriage, your financial situation, your weight -- you’ll never achieve lasting change until YOU change. Once YOU improve, everything else around you will improve. It’s important to understand that you don’t get in life what you want; you get in life what you are. You will only achieve the level of success in your life that equals your level of self-worth. When it comes to achieving your goals, remember that it is not your goals that need to be worked on; it is YOU. You can only have, be or do what you feel you are worthy of. The key is to raise your set point, or self worth, self-esteem, mindset, attitude, philosophy, and character. When those get raised, everything in your life will be raised with them.”
- From Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy
“Success is something you attract by the person you become. For things to improve, you have to improve. For things to get better, you have to get better. For things to change, you have to change. When you change, everything changes for you.”
- Jim Rohn
“Success is something you attract by the person you become. For things to improve, you have to improve. For things to get better, you have to get better. For things to change, you have to change. When you change, everything changes for you.”
- Jim Rohn
“All change occurs outside your comfort zone. This is true physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. No change can occur inside your comfort zone. Push your body past the weight it is comfortable lifting and it will grow stronger. Push your self past its own comfort zone and you will grow stronger.”
- From Wealth Warrior by Steve Chandler
“All change occurs outside your comfort zone. This is true physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. No change can occur inside your comfort zone. Push your body past the weight it is comfortable lifting and it will grow stronger. Push your self past its own comfort zone and you will grow stronger.”
- From Wealth Warrior by Steve Chandler
“You can dramatically improve the overall quality of your life far faster than you might think possible. All you need is the desire to change, the decision to take action, the discipline to practice the new behaviors you have chosen, and the determination to persist until you get the results you want.”
- From Focal Point by Brian Tracy
“You can dramatically improve the overall quality of your life far faster than you might think possible. All you need is the desire to change, the decision to take action, the discipline to practice the new behaviors you have chosen, and the determination to persist until you get the results you want.”
- From Focal Point by Brian Tracy
“Imagine for a moment that you will have a guest accompanying you throughout your day tomorrow. This person’s task will be to follow you around from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. They will take copious notes about your schedule, how you interact with your family and friends, how you engage in your tasks and projects, and your mind-set through it all. Once the day is over, this person will spend the next few days processing their observations, draw conclusions about your motivations, and compile their notes into a book about you that will stand as the definitive record of your life and work. How would you act differently tomorrow if you knew that your actions and attitude on that one day were going to be a permanent testament to your life? If you’re like many people to whom I’ve posted this question, you would probably get up a little earlier, pay extra attention to your family and the barista at Starbucks, be fully vested in every meeting, be meticulous in every task, call up an old friend for lunch, reconcile with an alienated colleague, and generally wrap up loose ends. Next I ask, ‘How does your imagined behavior compare with how you are actually living your life today?’”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry
“Imagine for a moment that you will have a guest accompanying you throughout your day tomorrow. This person’s task will be to follow you around from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. They will take copious notes about your schedule, how you interact with your family and friends, how you engage in your tasks and projects, and your mind-set through it all. Once the day is over, this person will spend the next few days processing their observations, draw conclusions about your motivations, and compile their notes into a book about you that will stand as the definitive record of your life and work. How would you act differently tomorrow if you knew that your actions and attitude on that one day were going to be a permanent testament to your life? If you’re like many people to whom I’ve posted this question, you would probably get up a little earlier, pay extra attention to your family and the barista at Starbucks, be fully vested in every meeting, be meticulous in every task, call up an old friend for lunch, reconcile with an alienated colleague, and generally wrap up loose ends. Next I ask, ‘How does your imagined behavior compare with how you are actually living your life today?’”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry
“You cannot pursue greatness and comfort at the same time. Commit today to stepping outside your comfort zone and set some goals to help you get there. In short, grow.”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry
“You cannot pursue greatness and comfort at the same time. Commit today to stepping outside your comfort zone and set some goals to help you get there. In short, grow.”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry