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Alignment • Being Present • Commitment • Consistency • Continuous Improvement • Eliminate Distractions • Evening Routine • Exercise • Fitness • Focus • Goal Achievement • Goals • Gratitude • Habits • Happiness • Inspiration • Integrity • Manifesting • Meditation • Mindfulness • Mindset • Mission • Morning Routine • No Multitasking • Nutrition • Optimism • Overcoming Fear • Perfectionism • Personal Growth • Personal Responsibility • Planning • Positive Attitude • Prioritization • Productivity • Purpose • Self Discipline • Systems, Routines & Structure • Taking Action • Time-Blocking • Time Management • Values • Vision • Visualization • Willpower
Authors: Brian Tracy • Craig Ballantyne • Darren Hardy • Hal Elrod • James Clear • Jim Rohn
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“There is no force in the universe more powerful than intent.”
- From The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith
“There is no force in the universe more powerful than intent.”
- From The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith
“Purpose fuels persistence. Reasons come before results.”
- From Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
“Purpose fuels persistence. Reasons come before results.”
- From Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
“Goals are like a magnet - they pull. And the stronger they are, the more purposeful they are, the bigger they are, the more unique they are, the stronger they pull.”
- From The Jim Rohn Guides Complete Set by Jim Rohn
“Goals are like a magnet - they pull. And the stronger they are, the more purposeful they are, the bigger they are, the more unique they are, the stronger they pull.”
- From The Jim Rohn Guides Complete Set by Jim Rohn
“To be happy, successful, and productive, operate out of your imagination, your dreams, and your vision.”
- From The Power of One More by Ed Mylett
“To be happy, successful, and productive, operate out of your imagination, your dreams, and your vision.”
- From The Power of One More by Ed Mylett
“In order to be happy, we need to find both meaning and pleasure - to have both a sense of purpose and the experience of positive emotions.”
- From Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar
“In order to be happy, we need to find both meaning and pleasure - to have both a sense of purpose and the experience of positive emotions.”
- From Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar
“Your fears hold you back from living the life you were born to live. If you’re ever going to achieve success, happiness, and peace of mind, you must first defeat your fears.”
- Darrin Donnelly
“Your fears hold you back from living the life you were born to live. If you’re ever going to achieve success, happiness, and peace of mind, you must first defeat your fears.”
- Darrin Donnelly
“Control what you can, cope with what you can’t, and concentrate on what really matters in your life.”
- Craig Ballantyne
“Control what you can, cope with what you can’t, and concentrate on what really matters in your life.”
- Craig Ballantyne
“Passion gives you superhuman strength and unlimited energy.”
- Gino Wickman
“Passion gives you superhuman strength and unlimited energy.”
- Gino Wickman
“Action beats Anxiety. Motion beats Meditation. Work beats Worry. Success Loves Speed.”
- Craig Ballantyne
“Action beats Anxiety. Motion beats Meditation. Work beats Worry. Success Loves Speed.”
- Craig Ballantyne
“It would be impossible for a ship to come into a certain port without a compass as it would be for a man or woman to make any headway on the sea of life without a purpose. Nobody ever drifts into anything desirable. To get the thing worth while you must know where your goal lies, and you must make straight for it, past all the rocks and sandbars.”
- Orison Swett Marden
“It would be impossible for a ship to come into a certain port without a compass as it would be for a man or woman to make any headway on the sea of life without a purpose. Nobody ever drifts into anything desirable. To get the thing worth while you must know where your goal lies, and you must make straight for it, past all the rocks and sandbars.”
- Orison Swett Marden
“Working toward a meaningful life goal is one of the most important strategies for becoming lastingly happier.”
- From The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
“Working toward a meaningful life goal is one of the most important strategies for becoming lastingly happier.”
- From The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
“You only have one shot at leaving a legacy for your life. How you use your time and who you spend your time with are the most important decisions you’ll make in life. Choose wisely. You cannot soar with eagles if all you do is hang around turkeys. Ask the big question: What do you really want to achieve in life? Then think, are the people I’m spending time with helping me achieve this?”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“You only have one shot at leaving a legacy for your life. How you use your time and who you spend your time with are the most important decisions you’ll make in life. Choose wisely. You cannot soar with eagles if all you do is hang around turkeys. Ask the big question: What do you really want to achieve in life? Then think, are the people I’m spending time with helping me achieve this?”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Success requires us to do the first things first. Choose to use your time wisely. Figure out what really matters to you and then use the rest of the steps to build habits that allow you to focus your time on it.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Success requires us to do the first things first. Choose to use your time wisely. Figure out what really matters to you and then use the rest of the steps to build habits that allow you to focus your time on it.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“You must say ‘No’ to unexpected opportunities in order to say ‘Yes’ to your priorities.”
- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei
“You must say ‘No’ to unexpected opportunities in order to say ‘Yes’ to your priorities.”
- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei
"Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor."
- From The Miracle of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy
"Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day, will do more to guarantee your success than any other single factor."
- From The Miracle of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy
“The top 3 percent have clear, written goals and plans that they work on every day. They know exactly who they are, what they want, and where they are going. They have a blueprint, a road map, that guides them faster and with ever-greater accuracy toward achieving the health, happiness, wealth, and prosperity that most people strive for all of their lives. As a result of having clear, written goals, they waste far less time than the average person. People with written goals and plans earn and accumulate, on average, ten times as much as other people with the same levels of intelligence and education…Setting goals, making plans, and organizing your life around the things you really want to do and have are the greatest time management tools of all.”
- From Master Your Time, Master Your Life by Brian Tracy
“The top 3 percent have clear, written goals and plans that they work on every day. They know exactly who they are, what they want, and where they are going. They have a blueprint, a road map, that guides them faster and with ever-greater accuracy toward achieving the health, happiness, wealth, and prosperity that most people strive for all of their lives. As a result of having clear, written goals, they waste far less time than the average person. People with written goals and plans earn and accumulate, on average, ten times as much as other people with the same levels of intelligence and education…Setting goals, making plans, and organizing your life around the things you really want to do and have are the greatest time management tools of all.”
- From Master Your Time, Master Your Life by Brian Tracy
“You should be more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You should be more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You have a finite amount of focus, time, and energy to offer the world, and it can never be reclaimed once it’s spent. There’s no use in wasting your time lamenting the past, because you cannot change or control it. Rather, I urge you to focus on what’s next. Ultimately, your life will be measured by what you gave, not what you received. Don’t hold out on the rest of us—we need you to contribute. Spend your life building a body of work you will be proud of. Engage today with urgency and diligence. Plant seeds every day that will yield a harvest later. Tomorrow is only an unfulfilled wish, so live and work as if today is all you have. If you do, you will be able to lay your head down each night satisfied with your work, and in the end, you will die empty of regret, but full of satisfaction for a life well lived.”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry
“You have a finite amount of focus, time, and energy to offer the world, and it can never be reclaimed once it’s spent. There’s no use in wasting your time lamenting the past, because you cannot change or control it. Rather, I urge you to focus on what’s next. Ultimately, your life will be measured by what you gave, not what you received. Don’t hold out on the rest of us—we need you to contribute. Spend your life building a body of work you will be proud of. Engage today with urgency and diligence. Plant seeds every day that will yield a harvest later. Tomorrow is only an unfulfilled wish, so live and work as if today is all you have. If you do, you will be able to lay your head down each night satisfied with your work, and in the end, you will die empty of regret, but full of satisfaction for a life well lived.”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry
“Self-image is essentially how you view yourself—what strengths and weaknesses you believe you possess and what you believe you are capable of achieving…The self-image governs how successful any individual becomes because it motivates and shapes work ethic and effort. In this way, self-image is like a thermostat. If you set the thermostat at 72 degrees Fahrenheit and the room drops to 71 degrees, the thermostat then sends a message to the heater to get to work. Warm air rushes into the room, and the room warms up to 72 degrees. When the room reaches 73 degrees, the thermostat tells the heater to stop working. All day long, the thermostat governs the temperature in the room and won’t allow the room temperature to rise or drop from the desired temperature for long. Human beings are the same way: we neither outperform nor underperform our self-image for long. That’s why it is so important to set your self-image gauge high enough to achieve your life goals. Set your self-image gauge too low, and by definition, you’ll underachieve, because your mind won’t call for the motivation to achieve more…CREATE YOUR VISION OF SELF-IMAGE: Take 30 seconds every day to visualize who you want to be and how you want life to turn out, and dramatically increase the likelihood of achieving your win.”
- From Executive Toughness by Jason Selk
“Self-image is essentially how you view yourself—what strengths and weaknesses you believe you possess and what you believe you are capable of achieving…The self-image governs how successful any individual becomes because it motivates and shapes work ethic and effort. In this way, self-image is like a thermostat. If you set the thermostat at 72 degrees Fahrenheit and the room drops to 71 degrees, the thermostat then sends a message to the heater to get to work. Warm air rushes into the room, and the room warms up to 72 degrees. When the room reaches 73 degrees, the thermostat tells the heater to stop working. All day long, the thermostat governs the temperature in the room and won’t allow the room temperature to rise or drop from the desired temperature for long. Human beings are the same way: we neither outperform nor underperform our self-image for long. That’s why it is so important to set your self-image gauge high enough to achieve your life goals. Set your self-image gauge too low, and by definition, you’ll underachieve, because your mind won’t call for the motivation to achieve more…CREATE YOUR VISION OF SELF-IMAGE: Take 30 seconds every day to visualize who you want to be and how you want life to turn out, and dramatically increase the likelihood of achieving your win.”
- From Executive Toughness by Jason Selk
“Without a specific plan for making it happen, a dream is nothing more than a daydream. Having a viable plan for how you’re going to get from where you are to where you want to go is the quickest way to turn your wants into expectations. When you give your mind clear directions, it starts moving that way.”
- From Relentless Optimism by Darrin Donnelly
“Without a specific plan for making it happen, a dream is nothing more than a daydream. Having a viable plan for how you’re going to get from where you are to where you want to go is the quickest way to turn your wants into expectations. When you give your mind clear directions, it starts moving that way.”
- From Relentless Optimism by Darrin Donnelly