Email Mastery
Simplify, Organize, and Take Control
Course Overview
In this course, you will solve your email problem forever. First, you will learn about the batch processing approach to email. Then you will learn the 12 RAFT+ strategies for properly managing email. Finally, you will take what you’ve learned and put it all together in a customized email management plan that works for your specific needs.
Research shows that:
We receive an average of 333 emails per day.
We check email on average 11 times per hour.
84% of people keep email open in the background while working.
64% of people use notifications to learn about new emails.
70% of all received emails are opened within the first six seconds after receipt.
Email was created to be a productivity tool, but it’s turned into a huge time suck for most people. Research says the average American office worker spends 28% of their workday just managing their email. That’s a disaster, and it’s simply because they don’t know how to manage email.
If you’re like most people, you are spending far too much time dealing with your flood of emails, and yet you still feel overwhelmed, disorganized, and stressed out. Once taught some simple techniques, you’ll get immediate relief, spend a fraction of the time managing your email as before, yet be completely on top of things with an empty inbox. The result of implementing these techniques is less stress, greater productivity, and fewer dropped balls – it is truly life-changing.
What you can expect:
Part I: Batch Processing
Part II: The RAFT Technique
Part IV: Personalized Email Management Plan