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Alignment • Being Present • Commitment • Consistency • Continuous Improvement • Eliminate Distractions • Evening Routine • Exercise • Fitness • Focus • Goal Achievement • Goals • Gratitude • Habits • Happiness • Inspiration • Integrity • Manifesting • Meditation • Mindfulness • Mindset • Mission • Morning Routine • No Multitasking • Nutrition • Optimism • Overcoming Fear • Perfectionism • Personal Growth • Personal Responsibility • Planning • Positive Attitude • Prioritization • Productivity • Purpose • Self Discipline • Systems, Routines & Structure • Taking Action • Time-Blocking • Time Management • Values • Vision • Visualization • Willpower
Authors: Brian Tracy • Craig Ballantyne • Darren Hardy • Hal Elrod • James Clear • Jim Rohn
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"The most important trick to be happy is to realize that happiness is a choice that you make and a skill set that you develop. You choose to be happy, and then you work at it. It's just like building muscles."
- Naval Ravikant podcast
"The most important trick to be happy is to realize that happiness is a choice that you make and a skill set that you develop. You choose to be happy, and then you work at it. It's just like building muscles."
- Naval Ravikant podcast
“Be happy with what you have while pursuing what you want.”
- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn
“Be happy with what you have while pursuing what you want.”
- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn
“We already have everything we could ever need to be the happiest we could ever be. It’s simply up to us to remember that truth in each moment. We must realize that our happiness doesn’t come from building wealth or collecting things but from being present to all that we have, all that we are, and all that we can become.“
- From The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod
“We already have everything we could ever need to be the happiest we could ever be. It’s simply up to us to remember that truth in each moment. We must realize that our happiness doesn’t come from building wealth or collecting things but from being present to all that we have, all that we are, and all that we can become.“
- From The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod
“Working toward a meaningful life goal is one of the most important strategies for becoming lastingly happier.”
- From The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
“Working toward a meaningful life goal is one of the most important strategies for becoming lastingly happier.”
- From The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
“Attaining lasting happiness requires that we enjoy the journey on our way towards a destination we deem valuable. Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the mountain nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing toward the peak.”
- From Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar
“Attaining lasting happiness requires that we enjoy the journey on our way towards a destination we deem valuable. Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the mountain nor is it about climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing toward the peak.”
- From Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar
“Compare what you say you want against what you actually do. Do they match? If not, it’s time to change and figure out what really matters. Once you do, line up your priority with the actions you need to achieve it, and then embrace the pain, pay the price, and earn the prize.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Compare what you say you want against what you actually do. Do they match? If not, it’s time to change and figure out what really matters. Once you do, line up your priority with the actions you need to achieve it, and then embrace the pain, pay the price, and earn the prize.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“We all say that we want to succeed, but sooner or later our level of activity must equal our level of intent. Talking about achievement is one thing; making it happen is something altogether different. Some people seem to take more joy in talking about success than they do in achieving it. It is as though their ritualistic chant about someday lulls them into a false sense of security, and all the things that they should be doing and could be doing on any given day never seem to get done. The consequences of this self-delusion have their own inevitable price. Sooner or later the day will arrive when they will look back with regret at all those things they could have done, and meant to do, but left undone. That is why we must push ourselves in the present to experience the milder pain of discipline. We will all experience one pain or the other—the pain of discipline or the pain of regret—but the difference is that the pain of discipline weighs only ounces while the pain of regret weighs tons.”
- Jim Rohn
“We all say that we want to succeed, but sooner or later our level of activity must equal our level of intent. Talking about achievement is one thing; making it happen is something altogether different. Some people seem to take more joy in talking about success than they do in achieving it. It is as though their ritualistic chant about someday lulls them into a false sense of security, and all the things that they should be doing and could be doing on any given day never seem to get done. The consequences of this self-delusion have their own inevitable price. Sooner or later the day will arrive when they will look back with regret at all those things they could have done, and meant to do, but left undone. That is why we must push ourselves in the present to experience the milder pain of discipline. We will all experience one pain or the other—the pain of discipline or the pain of regret—but the difference is that the pain of discipline weighs only ounces while the pain of regret weighs tons.”
- Jim Rohn
“Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
- Goethe
“Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
- Goethe
“Set into motion the actions necessary to achieve the things you currently claim are important, yet keep being put off.”
- From Harris Rules by Tim and Julie Harris
“Set into motion the actions necessary to achieve the things you currently claim are important, yet keep being put off.”
- From Harris Rules by Tim and Julie Harris
“Massive action is the key to productivity. Massive action means you take action until you get the results you want.”
- Natalie Bacon
“Massive action is the key to productivity. Massive action means you take action until you get the results you want.”
- Natalie Bacon
“What is the one thing that you need to do now that you have put off or resisted doing? Whatever it is, do it now. By taking the actions you need to take when you need to take them, you build the discipline necessary to succeed.”
- From The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need by Anthony Iannarino
“What is the one thing that you need to do now that you have put off or resisted doing? Whatever it is, do it now. By taking the actions you need to take when you need to take them, you build the discipline necessary to succeed.”
- From The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need by Anthony Iannarino
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. NOW is the best time to start.”
- Napoleon Hill
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. NOW is the best time to start.”
- Napoleon Hill
"Ending your day with planning sets you up for a purposeful and productive tomorrow."
- From High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way by Brendon Burchard
"Ending your day with planning sets you up for a purposeful and productive tomorrow."
- From High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way by Brendon Burchard
"By setting boundaries with technology and disconnecting at the end of the workday, we give ourselves the gift of uninterrupted presence and the chance to connect deeply with our loved ones."
- From Big Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being by Shawn Achor
"By setting boundaries with technology and disconnecting at the end of the workday, we give ourselves the gift of uninterrupted presence and the chance to connect deeply with our loved ones."
- From Big Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being by Shawn Achor
“In fact, a 2014 study titled ‘The iPhone Effect’ shows how the mere presence of a smartphone can ruin a conversation. In an experiment with 200 participants, researchers found that simply placing a mobile communication device on the table or having participants hold it in their hand was a detriment to their conversations. Any time the phone was visible, the quality of the conversation was rated as less fulfilling when compared with conversations that took place in the absence of mobile devices. People reported having higher levels of empathetic concern when phones were not visible.”
- From Are You Fully Charged? by Tom Rath
“In fact, a 2014 study titled ‘The iPhone Effect’ shows how the mere presence of a smartphone can ruin a conversation. In an experiment with 200 participants, researchers found that simply placing a mobile communication device on the table or having participants hold it in their hand was a detriment to their conversations. Any time the phone was visible, the quality of the conversation was rated as less fulfilling when compared with conversations that took place in the absence of mobile devices. People reported having higher levels of empathetic concern when phones were not visible.”
- From Are You Fully Charged? by Tom Rath
“Your core values are your internal compass, your guiding beacon, your personal GPS. They act as the filter through which you run all of life’s demands, requests, and temptations, making sure they are leading you toward your intended destination. Getting your core values defined and properly calibrated is one of the most important steps in redirecting your life toward your grandest vision. If you haven’t already clearly defined your values, you may find yourself making choices that conflict with what you want. Defining your core values also helps make life simpler and more efficient. Decision-making is also easier when you are certain of your core values. When faced with a choice, ask yourself, ‘Does this align with my core values?’ If it does, do it. If not, don’t, and don’t look back. All fretting and indecisions are eliminated.”
- From The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
“Your core values are your internal compass, your guiding beacon, your personal GPS. They act as the filter through which you run all of life’s demands, requests, and temptations, making sure they are leading you toward your intended destination. Getting your core values defined and properly calibrated is one of the most important steps in redirecting your life toward your grandest vision. If you haven’t already clearly defined your values, you may find yourself making choices that conflict with what you want. Defining your core values also helps make life simpler and more efficient. Decision-making is also easier when you are certain of your core values. When faced with a choice, ask yourself, ‘Does this align with my core values?’ If it does, do it. If not, don’t, and don’t look back. All fretting and indecisions are eliminated.”
- From The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
“We need to realize that the direction of our lives is controlled by the magnetic pull of our values. They are the force in front of us, consistently leading us to make decisions that create the direction and ultimate destination of our lives.”
- From Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
“We need to realize that the direction of our lives is controlled by the magnetic pull of our values. They are the force in front of us, consistently leading us to make decisions that create the direction and ultimate destination of our lives.”
- From Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
“Your success starts in the morning. Plan your day. Get up early. Work on your number one priority in life before anything else. Add more structure to your day and you will have more freedom in your life for your family, friends, and hobbies.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Your success starts in the morning. Plan your day. Get up early. Work on your number one priority in life before anything else. Add more structure to your day and you will have more freedom in your life for your family, friends, and hobbies.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Discipline is the foundation on which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. Discipline is the master key. It unlocks the door to wealth and happiness, culture and sophistication, high self-esteem and high accomplishment, and the accompanying feelings of pride, satisfaction, and success. Even the smallest discipline can have an incredible effect on your attitude.”
- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn
“Discipline is the foundation on which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. Discipline is the master key. It unlocks the door to wealth and happiness, culture and sophistication, high self-esteem and high accomplishment, and the accompanying feelings of pride, satisfaction, and success. Even the smallest discipline can have an incredible effect on your attitude.”
- From 7 Strategies for Wealth and Happiness by Jim Rohn
“The life we end up with is simply an accumulation of all the choices we make. Choices are at the root of every one of your results. Each choice starts a behavior that over time becomes a habit. In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you.”
- Darren Hardy
“The life we end up with is simply an accumulation of all the choices we make. Choices are at the root of every one of your results. Each choice starts a behavior that over time becomes a habit. In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you.”
- Darren Hardy