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Authors: Brian Tracy • Craig Ballantyne • Darren Hardy • Hal Elrod • James Clear • Jim Rohn
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“Replacing just a few key negative habits with a few positive habits can easily be the difference between being mostly unhappy and being happy almost all of the time.”
- From Superhuman by Habit by Tynan
“Replacing just a few key negative habits with a few positive habits can easily be the difference between being mostly unhappy and being happy almost all of the time.”
- From Superhuman by Habit by Tynan
“Good habits are hard to develop but easy to live with; bad habits are easy to develop but hard to live with. The habits you have and the habits that have you will determine almost everything you achieve or fail to achieve.”
- From Focal Point by Brian Tracy
“Good habits are hard to develop but easy to live with; bad habits are easy to develop but hard to live with. The habits you have and the habits that have you will determine almost everything you achieve or fail to achieve.”
- From Focal Point by Brian Tracy
“You become what you do on a daily basis. You don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the levels of training and habits.”
- From The 10 Pillars of Mental Performance Mastery by Brian Cain
“You become what you do on a daily basis. You don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the levels of training and habits.”
- From The 10 Pillars of Mental Performance Mastery by Brian Cain
“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. It is only when looking back two, five, or perhaps ten years later that the value of good habits and the cost of bad ones becomes strikingly apparent.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. It is only when looking back two, five, or perhaps ten years later that the value of good habits and the cost of bad ones becomes strikingly apparent.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime these choices determine the difference between who you are and who you could be. Success is the product of daily habits- -not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime these choices determine the difference between who you are and who you could be. Success is the product of daily habits- -not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Ultimately, your habits matter because they help you become the type of person you wish to be. They are the channel through which you develop your deepest beliefs about yourself. Quite literally, you become your habits.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Ultimately, your habits matter because they help you become the type of person you wish to be. They are the channel through which you develop your deepest beliefs about yourself. Quite literally, you become your habits.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You have the power to change your beliefs about yourself. Your identity is not set in stone. You have a choice in every moment. You can choose the identity you want to reinforce today with habits you choose today.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You have the power to change your beliefs about yourself. Your identity is not set in stone. You have a choice in every moment. You can choose the identity you want to reinforce today with habits you choose today.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“But the true question is: ‘Are you becoming the type of person you want to become?’ The first step is not what or how, but who. You need to know who you want to be.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“But the true question is: ‘Are you becoming the type of person you want to become?’ The first step is not what or how, but who. You need to know who you want to be.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Surround yourself with people who have the habits you want to have yourself. You’ll rise together.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Surround yourself with people who have the habits you want to have yourself. You’ll rise together.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You should be more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You should be more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Habits are like financial capital -- forming one today is an investment that will automatically give out returns for years to come.”
- From The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
“Habits are like financial capital -- forming one today is an investment that will automatically give out returns for years to come.”
- From The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. If you want success in your personal and professional life, create habits that bring you closer to your goals and get rid of those that are pushing you away from them.”
- From The Winner’s Mindset by Peter Nicado
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. If you want success in your personal and professional life, create habits that bring you closer to your goals and get rid of those that are pushing you away from them.”
- From The Winner’s Mindset by Peter Nicado
“If a person is living a successful life, then that person simply has the habits in place that are creating and sustaining their levels of success…There is arguably no single skill that is more important for you to master than controlling your habits. You must identify, implement, and maintain the habits necessary for creating the results you want in your life, while learning how to let go of or replace any negative habits which are holding you back from achieving your true potential. Habits are behaviors that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. Whether you realize it or not, your life has been, and will continue to be, created by your habits. If you don’t control your habits, your habits will control you.”
- From The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod
“If a person is living a successful life, then that person simply has the habits in place that are creating and sustaining their levels of success…There is arguably no single skill that is more important for you to master than controlling your habits. You must identify, implement, and maintain the habits necessary for creating the results you want in your life, while learning how to let go of or replace any negative habits which are holding you back from achieving your true potential. Habits are behaviors that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously. Whether you realize it or not, your life has been, and will continue to be, created by your habits. If you don’t control your habits, your habits will control you.”
- From The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod
“Inspiration and motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
- Jim Rohn
“Inspiration and motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
- Jim Rohn
“Considering that our habits create our life, there is arguably no single skill that is more important for you to learn and master than controlling your habits. You must identify, implement, and maintain the habits necessary for creating the results you want in your life, while learning how to let go of any negative habits which are holding you back from achieving your true potential.”
- From The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
“Considering that our habits create our life, there is arguably no single skill that is more important for you to learn and master than controlling your habits. You must identify, implement, and maintain the habits necessary for creating the results you want in your life, while learning how to let go of any negative habits which are holding you back from achieving your true potential.”
- From The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. That means developing great habits. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, and that bridge must be crossed every day. Over time that daily crossing becomes a habit. And ultimately, people do not decide their future; they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. …”
- From 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. That means developing great habits. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, and that bridge must be crossed every day. Over time that daily crossing becomes a habit. And ultimately, people do not decide their future; they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. …”
- From 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell
“You have a finite amount of focus, time, and energy to offer the world, and it can never be reclaimed once it’s spent. There’s no use in wasting your time lamenting the past, because you cannot change or control it. Rather, I urge you to focus on what’s next. Ultimately, your life will be measured by what you gave, not what you received. Don’t hold out on the rest of us—we need you to contribute. Spend your life building a body of work you will be proud of. Engage today with urgency and diligence. Plant seeds every day that will yield a harvest later. Tomorrow is only an unfulfilled wish, so live and work as if today is all you have. If you do, you will be able to lay your head down each night satisfied with your work, and in the end, you will die empty of regret, but full of satisfaction for a life well lived.”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry
“You have a finite amount of focus, time, and energy to offer the world, and it can never be reclaimed once it’s spent. There’s no use in wasting your time lamenting the past, because you cannot change or control it. Rather, I urge you to focus on what’s next. Ultimately, your life will be measured by what you gave, not what you received. Don’t hold out on the rest of us—we need you to contribute. Spend your life building a body of work you will be proud of. Engage today with urgency and diligence. Plant seeds every day that will yield a harvest later. Tomorrow is only an unfulfilled wish, so live and work as if today is all you have. If you do, you will be able to lay your head down each night satisfied with your work, and in the end, you will die empty of regret, but full of satisfaction for a life well lived.”
- From Die Empty by Todd Henry
“Self-image is essentially how you view yourself—what strengths and weaknesses you believe you possess and what you believe you are capable of achieving…The self-image governs how successful any individual becomes because it motivates and shapes work ethic and effort. In this way, self-image is like a thermostat. If you set the thermostat at 72 degrees Fahrenheit and the room drops to 71 degrees, the thermostat then sends a message to the heater to get to work. Warm air rushes into the room, and the room warms up to 72 degrees. When the room reaches 73 degrees, the thermostat tells the heater to stop working. All day long, the thermostat governs the temperature in the room and won’t allow the room temperature to rise or drop from the desired temperature for long. Human beings are the same way: we neither outperform nor underperform our self-image for long. That’s why it is so important to set your self-image gauge high enough to achieve your life goals. Set your self-image gauge too low, and by definition, you’ll underachieve, because your mind won’t call for the motivation to achieve more…CREATE YOUR VISION OF SELF-IMAGE: Take 30 seconds every day to visualize who you want to be and how you want life to turn out, and dramatically increase the likelihood of achieving your win.”
- From Executive Toughness by Jason Selk
“Self-image is essentially how you view yourself—what strengths and weaknesses you believe you possess and what you believe you are capable of achieving…The self-image governs how successful any individual becomes because it motivates and shapes work ethic and effort. In this way, self-image is like a thermostat. If you set the thermostat at 72 degrees Fahrenheit and the room drops to 71 degrees, the thermostat then sends a message to the heater to get to work. Warm air rushes into the room, and the room warms up to 72 degrees. When the room reaches 73 degrees, the thermostat tells the heater to stop working. All day long, the thermostat governs the temperature in the room and won’t allow the room temperature to rise or drop from the desired temperature for long. Human beings are the same way: we neither outperform nor underperform our self-image for long. That’s why it is so important to set your self-image gauge high enough to achieve your life goals. Set your self-image gauge too low, and by definition, you’ll underachieve, because your mind won’t call for the motivation to achieve more…CREATE YOUR VISION OF SELF-IMAGE: Take 30 seconds every day to visualize who you want to be and how you want life to turn out, and dramatically increase the likelihood of achieving your win.”
- From Executive Toughness by Jason Selk