Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“There are many things we want to accomplish in life, but there can be only one number one priority at a time. Know it, attack it, and focus on it every day.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“There are many things we want to accomplish in life, but there can be only one number one priority at a time. Know it, attack it, and focus on it every day.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Every choice has a price. Everything you say yes to means you’re saying no to something else.”

- From Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

“Every choice has a price. Everything you say yes to means you’re saying no to something else.”

- From Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Focus always comes before success. Very little is accomplished without removing what we don’t want so that we focus on what we truly do.”

- From Success Habits For Dummies by Dirk Zeller

“Focus always comes before success. Very little is accomplished without removing what we don’t want so that we focus on what we truly do.”

- From Success Habits For Dummies by Dirk Zeller

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“To do great things, you must do fewer things.”

- Sharran Srivatsaa

“To do great things, you must do fewer things.”

- Sharran Srivatsaa

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“In fact, a 2014 study titled ‘The iPhone Effect’ shows how the mere presence of a smartphone can ruin a conversation. In an experiment with 200 participants, researchers found that simply placing a mobile communication device on the table or having participants hold it in their hand was a detriment to their conversations. Any time the phone was visible, the quality of the conversation was rated as less fulfilling when compared with conversations that took place in the absence of mobile devices. People reported having higher levels of empathetic concern when phones were not visible.”

- From Are You Fully Charged? by Tom Rath

“In fact, a 2014 study titled ‘The iPhone Effect’ shows how the mere presence of a smartphone can ruin a conversation. In an experiment with 200 participants, researchers found that simply placing a mobile communication device on the table or having participants hold it in their hand was a detriment to their conversations. Any time the phone was visible, the quality of the conversation was rated as less fulfilling when compared with conversations that took place in the absence of mobile devices. People reported having higher levels of empathetic concern when phones were not visible.”

- From Are You Fully Charged? by Tom Rath

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“When you switch from Task A to Task B, your attention doesn’t immediately follow – a residue of your attention remains stuck thinking about the original task. People experiencing attention residue after switching tasks are likely to demonstrate poor performance on that next task.” So even if you don’t try to multi-task and focus on just one thing at a time, each time you switch to a new task you are getting sub-optimal performance on the new task.”

- From Deep Work by Cal Newport

“When you switch from Task A to Task B, your attention doesn’t immediately follow – a residue of your attention remains stuck thinking about the original task. People experiencing attention residue after switching tasks are likely to demonstrate poor performance on that next task.” So even if you don’t try to multi-task and focus on just one thing at a time, each time you switch to a new task you are getting sub-optimal performance on the new task.”

- From Deep Work by Cal Newport

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Be wary of letting random emails chip away at your productivity—life is too short to let strangers dictate what you do with your day.”

- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei

“Be wary of letting random emails chip away at your productivity—life is too short to let strangers dictate what you do with your day.”

- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

"It's hard to build momentum if you're dividing your attention."

- James Clear

"It's hard to build momentum if you're dividing your attention."

- James Clear

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“The first discipline is to focus your finest efforts on the one or two goals that will make all the difference, instead of giving mediocre effort to dozens of goals. Execution starts with focus.“

- From The Four Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling

“The first discipline is to focus your finest efforts on the one or two goals that will make all the difference, instead of giving mediocre effort to dozens of goals. Execution starts with focus.“

- From The Four Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“High-Quality Work Produced = (Time Spent) x (Intensity of Focus). To produce at your peak level you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task free from distraction.”

- From Deep Work by Cal Newport

“High-Quality Work Produced = (Time Spent) x (Intensity of Focus). To produce at your peak level you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task free from distraction.”

- From Deep Work by Cal Newport

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Productivity can be boiled down to one word - FOCUS. There are two types of focus you need to master productivity. First the ability to manage distractions so that you can focus moment-to-moment on the task at hand, and second, the skill of focusing on what’s truly important to you in the big picture, so you don’t waste your day on stupid stuff.”

- From The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

“Productivity can be boiled down to one word - FOCUS. There are two types of focus you need to master productivity. First the ability to manage distractions so that you can focus moment-to-moment on the task at hand, and second, the skill of focusing on what’s truly important to you in the big picture, so you don’t waste your day on stupid stuff.”

- From The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Whether at work or at home, the quality of your attention determines the quality of your life. At work, the more attention you give to what’s in front of you, the more productive you become. At home, the more attention you devote to what’s in front of you, the more meaningful your life becomes.”

- From Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey

“Whether at work or at home, the quality of your attention determines the quality of your life. At work, the more attention you give to what’s in front of you, the more productive you become. At home, the more attention you devote to what’s in front of you, the more meaningful your life becomes.”

- From Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Success has always gone to those who could apply their talents in a single-minded manner over an extended period of time to achieve a given outcome.”

- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei

“Success has always gone to those who could apply their talents in a single-minded manner over an extended period of time to achieve a given outcome.”

- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“You must say ‘No’ to unexpected opportunities in order to say ‘Yes’ to your priorities.”

- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei

“You must say ‘No’ to unexpected opportunities in order to say ‘Yes’ to your priorities.” 

- From Unsubscribe by Jocelyn K. Glei

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Concentrate all your thoughts on the task at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

- Alexander Graham Bell

“Concentrate all your thoughts on the task at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

- Alexander Graham Bell

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

"Structure and routine are essential for productivity and success. They create a framework that allows you to focus and thrive."

- From Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy

"Structure and routine are essential for productivity and success. They create a framework that allows you to focus and thrive."

- From Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy

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