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Alignment • Being Present • Commitment • Consistency • Continuous Improvement • Eliminate Distractions • Evening Routine • Exercise • Fitness • Focus • Goal Achievement • Goals • Gratitude • Habits • Happiness • Inspiration • Integrity • Manifesting • Meditation • Mindfulness • Mindset • Mission • Morning Routine • No Multitasking • Nutrition • Optimism • Overcoming Fear • Perfectionism • Personal Growth • Personal Responsibility • Planning • Positive Attitude • Prioritization • Productivity • Purpose • Self Discipline • Systems, Routines & Structure • Taking Action • Time-Blocking • Time Management • Values • Vision • Visualization • Willpower
Authors: Brian Tracy • Craig Ballantyne • Darren Hardy • Hal Elrod • James Clear • Jim Rohn
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“Listen, your Perfect Week doesn’t begin Monday morning when your alarm goes off. It doesn’t even begin on Sunday night when you’re planning for the following day. It begins about 60-minutes after you wake up on Sunday morning. By blocking off the first 30-60 minutes of every Sunday and planning your week, either by yourself or with your spouse, you begin your week from a place of power and clarity. Your discipline, intention, and willpower are as high as they’re going to be all week and you are using this to your advantage by carefully crafting exactly how you want your week to unfold. By doing this in the morning, you’ll no longer stress about having to prepare for your week on Sunday evening after the kids have been put to bed and you’re exhausted from a busy weekend. You won’t forget to do it or decide that there are other more important priorities (like the GOT finale). When you implement a beautiful planning session, you’ll wake up every Monday morning knowing exactly what to do to dominate your days--and have a perfect week.”
- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Listen, your Perfect Week doesn’t begin Monday morning when your alarm goes off. It doesn’t even begin on Sunday night when you’re planning for the following day. It begins about 60-minutes after you wake up on Sunday morning. By blocking off the first 30-60 minutes of every Sunday and planning your week, either by yourself or with your spouse, you begin your week from a place of power and clarity. Your discipline, intention, and willpower are as high as they’re going to be all week and you are using this to your advantage by carefully crafting exactly how you want your week to unfold. By doing this in the morning, you’ll no longer stress about having to prepare for your week on Sunday evening after the kids have been put to bed and you’re exhausted from a busy weekend. You won’t forget to do it or decide that there are other more important priorities (like the GOT finale). When you implement a beautiful planning session, you’ll wake up every Monday morning knowing exactly what to do to dominate your days--and have a perfect week.”
- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Your success starts in the morning. Plan your day. Get up early. Work on your number one priority in life before anything else. Add more structure to your day and you will have more freedom in your life for your family, friends, and hobbies.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Your success starts in the morning. Plan your day. Get up early. Work on your number one priority in life before anything else. Add more structure to your day and you will have more freedom in your life for your family, friends, and hobbies.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
"A consistent morning routine is the key to unlocking your full potential."
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
"A consistent morning routine is the key to unlocking your full potential."
- From Atomic Habits by James Clear
“Research shows that beginning your day with a victory puts you in a positive mood. This morning momentum leads to more victories and continued progress throughout the day. You also win your health battles early in the morning. Making time to exercise and choosing the right foods for the first meal of the day will help you make better decisions all day long. The right decisions will give you more energy so that you will be more productive, mentally sharp, and free from fatigue—and even pain—all day long. Your first victory sets the proverbial ball rolling. This first win is also the biggest win and one that no one can take away from you. That’s why you must start early and control your morning, so that (barring external emergencies) your day will go exactly as planned.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Research shows that beginning your day with a victory puts you in a positive mood. This morning momentum leads to more victories and continued progress throughout the day. You also win your health battles early in the morning. Making time to exercise and choosing the right foods for the first meal of the day will help you make better decisions all day long. The right decisions will give you more energy so that you will be more productive, mentally sharp, and free from fatigue—and even pain—all day long. Your first victory sets the proverbial ball rolling. This first win is also the biggest win and one that no one can take away from you. That’s why you must start early and control your morning, so that (barring external emergencies) your day will go exactly as planned.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“You can control what time you wake up, what habits you start the day with, what temptations enter your life, and what systems you have in place for dealing with those. You can control your belief in yourself. You can take more control over your schedule and energy than you might believe right now. And most importantly, you can control your morning, and in doing so, win your day.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“You can control what time you wake up, what habits you start the day with, what temptations enter your life, and what systems you have in place for dealing with those. You can control your belief in yourself. You can take more control over your schedule and energy than you might believe right now. And most importantly, you can control your morning, and in doing so, win your day.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days -- which inevitably create a successful life -- in the same way that unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings generate unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre days, and ultimately a mediocre quality of life. By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible.”
- From The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
“How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days -- which inevitably create a successful life -- in the same way that unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings generate unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre days, and ultimately a mediocre quality of life. By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible.”
- From The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
“Early morning is the most critical time of each day. How you spend the beginning hours of your day sets the stage for the remaining hours. If you purposefully establish a routine for spending your early morning as you want to, you will have taken a giant step toward spending the rest of your life the way you want to. How we spend our mornings is the litmus test for our degree of self-mastery. Do we wake up with a plan for the day or are we scrambling, wasting time figuring out what we must do? If we have a plan for the day, do we consistently follow it? Do we follow a purposefully predetermined, set routine which makes us more efficient and productive, and allows more time to think and relax? Or do we haphazardly scramble to get ready and out the door to make it to work just in time? Our mornings expose the power of our routines. Whether our routines are made up of good habits or bad habits is most evident in how we spend our early morning hours. If we are to get the most out of life and come closer to reaching our potential, it’s crucial that we establish good morning habits that allow us to more effectively utilize our early morning hours.”
- From The Power of Habit by Jack D. Hodge
“Early morning is the most critical time of each day. How you spend the beginning hours of your day sets the stage for the remaining hours. If you purposefully establish a routine for spending your early morning as you want to, you will have taken a giant step toward spending the rest of your life the way you want to. How we spend our mornings is the litmus test for our degree of self-mastery. Do we wake up with a plan for the day or are we scrambling, wasting time figuring out what we must do? If we have a plan for the day, do we consistently follow it? Do we follow a purposefully predetermined, set routine which makes us more efficient and productive, and allows more time to think and relax? Or do we haphazardly scramble to get ready and out the door to make it to work just in time? Our mornings expose the power of our routines. Whether our routines are made up of good habits or bad habits is most evident in how we spend our early morning hours. If we are to get the most out of life and come closer to reaching our potential, it’s crucial that we establish good morning habits that allow us to more effectively utilize our early morning hours.”
- From The Power of Habit by Jack D. Hodge
“Success requires us to do the first things first. Choose to use your time wisely. Figure out what really matters to you and then use the rest of the steps to build habits that allow you to focus your time on it.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Success requires us to do the first things first. Choose to use your time wisely. Figure out what really matters to you and then use the rest of the steps to build habits that allow you to focus your time on it.”
- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
“Every minute you spend in planning will save you as many as ten minutes in execution. It takes only 10-12 minutes for you to plan your entire day. But you will get back two hours of productive time, 120 minutes, just by planning your work before you begin. That is more than a 1,000 percent return on energy.”
- From Focal Point by Brian Tracy
“Every minute you spend in planning will save you as many as ten minutes in execution. It takes only 10-12 minutes for you to plan your entire day. But you will get back two hours of productive time, 120 minutes, just by planning your work before you begin. That is more than a 1,000 percent return on energy.”
- From Focal Point by Brian Tracy
“One of the most profound benefits of organizing your life into daily routines is that it’s much easier to reach your goals. Because when you predetermine which routines will enable you to reach your goals, success is as simple as doing things at the same times each day.”
- Hal Elrod
“One of the most profound benefits of organizing your life into daily routines is that it’s much easier to reach your goals. Because when you predetermine which routines will enable you to reach your goals, success is as simple as doing things at the same times each day.”
- Hal Elrod
“The key to becoming world-class in your endeavors is to build your performance around world-class routines. It can be difficult, even futile, to predict or control what will show up in the middle of your workday. But you can almost always control how your day starts and ends.”
- From The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
“The key to becoming world-class in your endeavors is to build your performance around world-class routines. It can be difficult, even futile, to predict or control what will show up in the middle of your workday. But you can almost always control how your day starts and ends.”
- From The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy