Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“What if I told you that passion and energy are a choice? They are like a muscle, and they need to be exercised every single day!”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

“What if I told you that passion and energy are a choice? They are like a muscle, and they need to be exercised every single day!”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Mental toughness is staying in inspired action despite the circumstances surrounding you.”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

“Mental toughness is staying in inspired action despite the circumstances surrounding you.”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Like giving into excuses, when you give in to the habit of complaining, you are also giving away your power.”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

“Like giving into excuses, when you give in to the habit of complaining, you are also giving away your power.”

- From Mindset, Model and Marketing! by Tom Ferry

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Make sure that you have a clear goal in mind and prioritize your actions around achieving the goal. What do I need to be doing more of? What do I need to be doing less of? What habits do I need to start? What is one habit you could start tomorrow that would improve how you performed in your personal and your professional life? What habits do I need to stop?”

- From Tom Ferry: Mindset, Model, and Marketing

“Make sure that you have a clear goal in mind and prioritize your actions around achieving the goal. What do I need to be doing more of? What do I need to be doing less of? What habits do I need to start? What is one habit you could start tomorrow that would improve how you performed in your personal and your professional life? What habits do I need to stop?”

- From Tom Ferry: Mindset, Model, and Marketing

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