Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“There are many things we want to accomplish in life, but there can be only one number one priority at a time. Know it, attack it, and focus on it every day.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“There are many things we want to accomplish in life, but there can be only one number one priority at a time. Know it, attack it, and focus on it every day.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Spending time with other high-performers is one of the fastest ways to achieve your personal and professional goals and level up your life.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Spending time with other high-performers is one of the fastest ways to achieve your personal and professional goals and level up your life.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Everything in life is going to cost you something. It might cost you money, time, or … your dreams.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Everything in life is going to cost you something. It might cost you money, time, or … your dreams.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Every day you must take action that is congruent with your big goals and dreams.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Every day you must take action that is congruent with your big goals and dreams.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Don’t be frustrated by past struggles. They were simply there to get you where you are today.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Don’t be frustrated by past struggles. They were simply there to get you where you are today.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“If you want to be productive and successful, you can’t let your worst behaviors become your habits.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“If you want to be productive and successful, you can’t let your worst behaviors become your habits.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Every wasteful activity in life robs you of moments you could spend focusing on your family, friends, and health.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Every wasteful activity in life robs you of moments you could spend focusing on your family, friends, and health.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“You must be willing to match your level of desire with the same level of action and commitment to success.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“You must be willing to match your level of desire with the same level of action and commitment to success.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“The quality of the ideas and people you expose yourself to on a consistent basis…will dictate the degree to which you succeed, and therefore the quality of your life.”

- Craig Ballantyne

“The quality of the ideas and people you expose yourself to on a consistent basis…will dictate the degree to which you succeed, and therefore the quality of your life.”

- Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Who are you when no one is looking? You need to act like you have a camera on you 24 hours a day.”

- Craig Ballantyne

“Who are you when no one is looking? You need to act like you have a camera on you 24 hours a day.”

- Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“The quality of your life will always be equal to the difference between your positive habits and negative habits.”

- Craig Ballantyne

“The quality of your life will always be equal to the difference between your positive habits and negative habits.”

- Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Control what you can, cope with what you can’t, and concentrate on what really matters in your life.”

- Craig Ballantyne

“Control what you can, cope with what you can’t, and concentrate on what really matters in your life.”

- Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Courage is contagious.”

- Craig Ballantyne

“Courage is contagious.”

- Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Action beats Anxiety. Motion beats Meditation. Work beats Worry. Success Loves Speed.”

- Craig Ballantyne

“Action beats Anxiety. Motion beats Meditation. Work beats Worry. Success Loves Speed.”

- Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Listen, your Perfect Week doesn’t begin Monday morning when your alarm goes off. It doesn’t even begin on Sunday night when you’re planning for the following day. It begins about 60-minutes after you wake up on Sunday morning. By blocking off the first 30-60 minutes of every Sunday and planning your week, either by yourself or with your spouse, you begin your week from a place of power and clarity. Your discipline, intention, and willpower are as high as they’re going to be all week and you are using this to your advantage by carefully crafting exactly how you want your week to unfold. By doing this in the morning, you’ll no longer stress about having to prepare for your week on Sunday evening after the kids have been put to bed and you’re exhausted from a busy weekend. You won’t forget to do it or decide that there are other more important priorities (like the GOT finale). When you implement a beautiful planning session, you’ll wake up every Monday morning knowing exactly what to do to dominate your days--and have a perfect week.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Listen, your Perfect Week doesn’t begin Monday morning when your alarm goes off. It doesn’t even begin on Sunday night when you’re planning for the following day. It begins about 60-minutes after you wake up on Sunday morning. By blocking off the first 30-60 minutes of every Sunday and planning your week, either by yourself or with your spouse, you begin your week from a place of power and clarity. Your discipline, intention, and willpower are as high as they’re going to be all week and you are using this to your advantage by carefully crafting exactly how you want your week to unfold. By doing this in the morning, you’ll no longer stress about having to prepare for your week on Sunday evening after the kids have been put to bed and you’re exhausted from a busy weekend. You won’t forget to do it or decide that there are other more important priorities (like the GOT finale). When you implement a beautiful planning session, you’ll wake up every Monday morning knowing exactly what to do to dominate your days--and have a perfect week.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for completion.” In other words, if you have no bumpers, boundaries, or non-negotiables built into your life, you will always find more work to do to fill the void and vacuum. You’ll mire yourself in busy work and perfectionism out of a perverse need to appear “busy” without realizing that you are wasting your time--your most precious and finite resource--on activities that don’t do anything to drive your business or life forward. Even worse, when you don’t have clear boundaries between your work and life, they start to bleed into each other, preventing you from being fully present in either one. When you’re at work, you feel guilty that they haven’t spent more time with your family and when you’re with your family, you feel guilty because you haven’t accomplished enough work.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for completion.” In other words, if you have no bumpers, boundaries, or non-negotiables built into your life, you will always find more work to do to fill the void and vacuum. You’ll mire yourself in busy work and perfectionism out of a perverse need to appear “busy” without realizing that you are wasting your time--your most precious and finite resource--on activities that don’t do anything to drive your business or life forward. Even worse, when you don’t have clear boundaries between your work and life, they start to bleed into each other, preventing you from being fully present in either one. When you’re at work, you feel guilty that they haven’t spent more time with your family and when you’re with your family, you feel guilty because you haven’t accomplished enough work.”

- From The Perfect Week Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“The average person lives a reactive life. They get up. They fight to make it to work on time. That’s the extent of their planning. They haven’t looked any further ahead. They figure that when they get to work, then they’ll figure out something to do, or worse, a way to simply get through the day. They wait to be told what to do or react to whatever emergencies are thrown their way.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“The average person lives a reactive life. They get up. They fight to make it to work on time. That’s the extent of their planning. They haven’t looked any further ahead. They figure that when they get to work, then they’ll figure out something to do, or worse, a way to simply get through the day. They wait to be told what to do or react to whatever emergencies are thrown their way.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Compare what you say you want against what you actually do. Do they match? If not, it’s time to change and figure out what really matters. Once you do, line up your priority with the actions you need to achieve it, and then embrace the pain, pay the price, and earn the prize.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Compare what you say you want against what you actually do. Do they match? If not, it’s time to change and figure out what really matters. Once you do, line up your priority with the actions you need to achieve it, and then embrace the pain, pay the price, and earn the prize.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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Liana Mayer Liana Mayer

“Your success starts in the morning. Plan your day. Get up early. Work on your number one priority in life before anything else. Add more structure to your day and you will have more freedom in your life for your family, friends, and hobbies.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

“Your success starts in the morning. Plan your day. Get up early. Work on your number one priority in life before anything else. Add more structure to your day and you will have more freedom in your life for your family, friends, and hobbies.”

- From The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne

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